Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Planning Commission comment: Napa Street West Hotel

April 8, 2017 by Fred Allebach

Abstract:  Choose the No Restaurant Alternative and Do Not Waive the Residential Component

In this comment, I will

-Request an EIR alternative analysis by independent consulting firm Fodor and Associates. This is a reasonable request, to satisfy demonstrable objective questions raised by the public concerning the EIR for this Project.

-Note that in EIR project alternatives, a No Restaurant alternative is included but waiving the residential component is not presented as an alternative, even though the nature of having 50% residential use would qualitatively change the nature of the environmental impacts so that at least, this should be considered “an alternative.”

-Request the Planning Commission not waive the residential component, as sufficient reason and evidence has not been cited as to why.

-Request the Planning Commission choose the No Restaurant alternative.

-Note that both the residential component and the No Restaurant alternative are valid Planning Commission possible choices, that rest on solid procedural ground, and are allowed by the process in place.

-Note that Project Objectives are not guaranteed in their entirety.

-Note that aspects of the Project can be found to be inconsistent with the General Plan, but that such evidence is not cited by staff. And suggest that there may be a pattern of partial citation of evidence, i.e. bias, by the EIR consultant and staff, weighted to Project support. In this pattern of partial evidence presentation, the weasel words “significant” and “insignificant” are used strategically so as to deaden and disarm public comments and feedback.

-In support of my assertion that this EIR process is biased, no meaningful “areas of controversy” summation was made concerning the scope of community concern with for this project. The consultant makes no summary, and simply refers to certain chapters, in the same robotic monotone that is used to reduce all public comment to “less than significant” and “invalid.”  It is well known locally what the areas of controversy are, why cannot a city-hired consultant make an honest recap of the issues?

-Request the Planning Commission dig in, to find and acknowledge merit in all the public comment against the EIR of this project. All the comment has to have some, wee bit of a basis, rather than as staff presents, not be valid at all. The studied opinions of Planning Commissioners are all the public has left for representation, to decipher 1000s of pages of technical material, that really boils down to what ways this project should be mitigated to fit the environment of the small-town character of Sonoma.

Independently Chosen Alternative Analysis Requested

Given that all Project Objectives are seen by staff as valid, and that seemingly all Project objections raised by the public have been deemed invalid by the EIR consultant, and that the council majority and city staff were Measure B opponents, and that such opposition constituted tacit support of this hotel project on West Napa Street, and that any mention of General Plan principles or any other points, that would go against the Project are granted no validity of significance in the EIR, it is reasonable to conclude that the process as a whole is imbalanced and heavily biased in favor of the developer, Kenwood Investments.

It is therefore reasonable and proper to ask for an alternative analysis, from a body of consultants who share a different set of primary assumptions than the lead agency. One such recommended consultant is:

Fodor and Associates, http://www.fodorandassociates.com/ Eben Fodor is qualified, eligible, and willing to review this EIR.

Fodor and Associates

394 East 32nd Avenue • Eugene, OR 97405
phone: 541/345-8246     info@fodorandassociates.com

It is likely that most EIR consulting firms are analogous to Wall Street auditing firms. No one will get any work if they turn up trouble by challenging business as usual, (BAU). This is how BAU becomes corrupt, through an implicit insiderism. If the Planning Commission were to recommend an alternative analysis, or a peer review, it will be important, in the name of balance, fairness, and actual alternative analysis, that a consultant be chosen who has an alternate frame of reference, who is independent of the usual circuit, and/or that the public be able to help choose the consultant. Eben Fodor is such a consultant. It would be good to get an analysis by such a consultant on record; the public would then be able to measure the difference in assumptions with the city-chosen consultant firm.

Don’t Waive Residential Component (if this fits better with the use permit hearing, please use for that as well)

The SVCAC, in its hearing on the Project, made a provision for the Planning Commission to give close consideration as to whether or not to waive the residential component. Presumably the residential component exists first, as a policy to be implemented, not avoided.

Exhibit A: David Eichar’s breakdown (in italics below) on why keeping the residential component better meets Sonoma’s housing needs, and is consistent with the city’s KMA consultant nexus study. The nexus? The hotel will generate a need for affordable housing that must be met in some fashion by the city.

Please refer to the City Council packet for the March 20th City Council meeting to view the KMA consultant nexus studies on affordable housing.

An impact fee is not a fee to be paid in-lieu of providing housing. (The only in-lieu fee in the nexus studies is for residential development with 4 or fewer residences.) There was no recommendation, nor mention of, the residential component requirement for commercial development.  Though, the city council could decide to implement one in the future, the city council did not give any indication that this is a path they wished to take.

KMA, in the nexus study says that it takes $94.80 per square foot of hotel space to make up for the “affordability gap” for the employees of a hotel.  (And KMA admits this number is conservative and would be higher if indirect and induced employees were included in the calculation, (p. 222 of .pdf but has page number 218 at the bottom of the page)  However, the impact fee the city council supports is only $9 per square foot.  So, Kenwood Investments would be paying around 9.5% of the amount needed to make up the affordability gap.

Given the affordability gap for moderate income for a 2 bedroom 1050 square feet townhouse (p. 224 of pdf), the city would receive enough money to subsidize 3.25 affordable townhouses. If you take half the 67,478 square feet for housing instead, you can get 32 two bedroom townhouses.  With a 20% inclusionary requirement, you get 6 units (6.4 rounded down).

And with the sale of the residential units, the city could still get about the same impact fee dollars as with just the hotel.  The recommended impact fee for for-sale residential housing is $8 to $12 per square foot.  The city council did not choose an amount, but if it chose near the low end, say $9 per square foot, the same as for hotels, Kenwood Investments would pay the same impact fee as for the hotel only.

Two of the options for the West Napa Street hotel:
•    hotel only, the impact fees are enough to pay the affordability gap for 3.25 affordable townhouses.
•    half hotel, half for-sale townhouses, you get 6 affordable townhouses, affordability gap money for 3.25 townhouses

You get almost 3 times more affordable housing with inclusion of for-sale residential component and inclusionary housing (9.25) than you do with the impact fee alone (3.25).

Therefore, waiving the residential component could cost the city 6 affordable homes and not meet the city’s housing needs as generated by the hotel project, and as elucidated by the KMA nexus study consultant.

Economic Reasons

Kenwood Investments claims they need to waive the residential component for economic reasons, for negative economic impact on the Project. Where is this statement explained, quantified, and any substantial evidence shown to prove it? This is just an aspiration, not a demonstrated necessity. The EIR has not provided an adequate answer to justify waiving the residential component.

As shown below, Project Objectives, which are part of the Draft EIR, show no inherent reason or nexus as to why the residential component should be waived, other than that the developer simply aspires to and wants a 62-room hotel (and 80-seat restaurant). All other Project Objectives can easily be satisfied with a hotel half the size, should 50% of the property be used for housing, as would be stipulated by the residential component.

The covert economic reason to waive the residential component is that the Project will not be worth as much for investors on potential resale if the Project is half the size. This is a covert, subjective assumption, not backed up by any quantitative analysis nor is this a specifically stated Project Objective. The Planning Commission is not obligated to buy into this aspiration so as to waive the residential component, so as to guarantee the investor group more money. This has nothing to do with the EIR, yet these Project Objectives are woven in to the EIR’s foundation as if everyone is supposed to just tacitly buy the assumptions without question. If somebody wants something for Christmas, that does not mean they automatically get it. In fact, investors in a Project like this can be shown to already have enough money for one lifetime. They don’t need more by any stretch of the imagination. There is no demonstrated necessity other than that Kenwood Investments want it.

Furthermore, the lack of any detailed plans or drawings to include the residential component shows that Kenwood Investments has not made a good faith effort to demonstrate why waiving the residential component is necessary, and has not taken this city policy seriously, particularly when city policy itself sees more housing as necessary, and that by waiving the residential component, the city will and up with six less affordable homes overall.

Residential Component is required, not to be avoided

Furthermore again, the residential component exists as required city planning policy; it exists for a reason: that employees of commercial projects have a place to live, to satisfy mixed-use planning priorities, and because Sonoma has limited land upon which to build housing. Should the residential component not be waived, a certain number of housing units would have to be built, 20% of which would have to be affordable. This affordable housing inclusion will hopefully house some Project employees. This is the intent.

No study or body of evidence is cited to show that any, as yet to be defined impact fees, will be adequate to actually build affordable housing. Such fees would have to be very high to result in actual affordable housing being built. Thus, taking away a guarantee of residential component-built housing, for an unsubstantiated promise of future housing to be built elsewhere, by an unknown entity, for an unknown cost, at an unknown location, is more of a hope and deferral than a sound housing policy decision. This line of reasoning is backed up by David Eichar’s Exhibit A above.

That the Project site is not a housing opportunity site is a red herring. The residential component of city commercial development can reasonably be assumed to exist because it should be implemented, to contribute to the overall urban vibrant quality of downtown, not so that it can be waived. If the creation of a vibrant downtown economy is part of the General Plan, cited by staff, to justify the restaurant, and waiving the residential component, doesn’t the city then also need people to live downtown who will vibrantly open their wallets and buy all the services offered? Isn’t this why the residential component even exists?

Why are there no plans or options for the residential component?

It is reasonable to ask, if the residential component is a known city policy for commercial developments, why did the developer draw no plans to include it? It is not the Planning Commission’s fault that the developer is unprepared to meet city housing policy, and that the developer has apparently staked all hopes on drawing a get out of jail free card, with no guarantee of pulling that from the deck.

In fact, the developer seems to have assumed the residential component will be waived because no Project drawings have been made that includes this required feature of such a commercial development. How can the Planning Commission adequately consider waiving the residential component if this valid alternative has not even been presented to show what it would be?

This seems to indicate that there is a some kind of either fix in ahead of time, or a great gamble is being made, otherwise a full set of options would have been drawn up.

Adhere to the General Plan

In support of not waiving the residential component, the General Plan states that, the purpose of the Commercial designation is to “… provide areas for retail, hotel, service, medical, and office development, in association with apartments and mixed-use developments and necessary public improvements.” Given that there is not that much space downtown, a project that combines hotel use with residential is one that meets multiple city planning objectives at one time. Multiple objective projects are accepted as better than single objective ones because more public policy goals can be met at once.

For the Planning Commission to waive the residential component would amount to peer pressure from staff and developer, to satisfy non-compelling, unquantified, and inadequately justified evidence of developer economic necessity, versus clear city needs for housing.

No Restaurant Project Alternative Not Adequately Presented

Project alternatives should be presented in as thorough a way as in the rest of the EIR. How can the Planning Commission make a solid decision on alternatives without an in-depth, meaningful analysis equivalent to the rest of the EIR?

The No Restaurant alternative is a valid alternative listed by the lead agency in this CEQA EIR process. “The range of feasible alternatives shall be selected and discussed in a manner to foster meaningful public participation and informed decision making.” CEQA Guidelines 15126.6.(f), see verbatim CEQA Guidelines below, at the end of this comment.

Mine, and others comments constitute “meaningful public participation”, about the valid Project alternatives such as the No Restaurant alternative.

DEIR listed Project Alternatives give credence to possible Planning Commission decisions to vote to choose one of these project alternatives as reasonable, feasible and preferable. The Planning Commission can bring other criteria to bear here, such as expertise in the full range of General Plan goals, city council goals, Development Code provisions, awareness of public opinion, as well as history of the outcomes and exceptions from previous commercial projects. The No Restaurant alternative would not have been presented if it was not in some way fundamentally “reasonable” or “feasible”.


Meaningful Public Participation

Perhaps more germane to the use permit hearing, this fits public opinion as per the Measure B vote, and the close SVCAC 4 to 3 vote to approve the project. These barometers of public opinion represent objective measures of “meaningful public participation”, which is to say essentially half of the voting public, as shown by precinct voting maps, does not want this project, period. That is a substantial, meaningful measure of public opinion. The SVCAC came close to not approving the Project. Had one SVCAC committee member not been absent, the SVCAC Project vote might very well have been deadlocked. This shows the Planning Commission, and the city, where the public actually stands, through the recent vote of a Valley representive body.

SVCAC committee members Tom Martin, Ditty Vella and Helene Silver also found the EIR to be lacking in their reviews. This adds up to that maybe city staff is presenting only a partial picture designed to have the project pass, and not presenting anything that would contraindicate those goals.

I think at this point we would all be deluding ourselves to not think that politics and preferences have not intruded onto this hotel approval process. The charade that the EIR is simply about facts that all must agree upon, because staff and the consultant say that they conform to the Development Code and General Plan, is frankly, a sophisticated level of spin that is simply not true. This is akin to the military saying “we’re just following orders.” The interpretation and selective use of information is then conflated as being unbiased and objective. However, I believe my comments here open the door to seeing this process is one where bias has been exercised by staff and consultant.

The city council also has a goal to balance tourism and residential concerns, not to allow them to become more out of balance, as would be the effect a major, 62-room, luxury 5 Star hotel project, along with an 80-seat restaurant right downtown. Given that this council goal has yet to be realized, but has been a legitimate and salient community goal for years, speaks to giving the Planning Commission leeway to step in and realize a council goal for the council: approving this project with the residential component included, and mandating the No Restaurant alternative, would mitigate the effects of tourism in the downtown area while still providing some benefits, as stated by Project Objectives and the General Plan.

Public Objectives

Measure B, the 4 to 3 SVCAC vote, and all the public comment questioning the adequacy of this Project’s EIR, shows that there is more than one set of aspirations and objective views at stake.

Sonoma is an attractive tourist destination because of its authentic small-town character. By intensifying the impacts of more tourists on the downtown environment, the incremental effect will be to kill the goose that laid the golden egg, through the very process of trying to get more golden eggs.

Take home point: A much smaller hotel project, that includes the residential component and the No Restaurant alternative would be an appropriate way to finesse both Project and public objectives.

Project Objectives, as related to Project Alternatives (as noted in the DEIR)

“The following chapter is intended to inform the public and decision makers of the feasible alternatives that would avoid or substantially lessen any significant effects of the Project.

“There is no ironclad rule governing the nature or scope of the alternatives to be discussed [in an EIR] other than the rule of reason” (CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(a)). Under the rule of reason, an EIR need discuss only those alternatives necessary to permit a reasoned choice (CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(f)). As mentioned above, an EIR need only contain a “range of reasonable alternatives to the project” which would “feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant [impacts] of the project” (CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(a)).

“Napa Street West hotel Project basic objectives include:

§  Construct a 62-room hotel, restaurant, and spa on an infill site in downtown Sonoma, CA.

§  Provide full- and part-time local employment opportunities to fill positions expected to operate the hotel and restaurant.

§  Stimulate local economy through Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), retail sales, and job creation.

§  Provide aesthetically pleasing architecture to complement the existing character of Sonoma.

§  Promote economic vitality for the City through new capital investment on what is currently an under- utilized site.

§  Promote sustainability by designing and constructing a hotel that meets LEED Certification standards.

Project Objectives as Fundamentally Subjective

First it should be noted that Project Objectives are not EIR-type facts, nor quantifiable in any way, yet they rest as the foundation of the whole Project. A questioning of project objectives therefore, cannot be reduced to an objective discourse, and so, calling Project Objectives into question, by the public and the Planning Commission necessarily becomes a matter of values, even though the EIR is specifically about quantifiable environmental impacts.

Project Objectives are not facts, nor quantifiable in any way, yet they become quantified through the EIR process. Let us then not confuse and conflate the difference between Project Objectives, and the EIR impacts of those objectives.

Therefore, a fundamentally subjective aspirational premise (project objectives) lies as the core reason for all the objective EIR studies. Reason, would have it, that if the subjective Project Objectives are not congruent with actual city planning objectives, i.e. the General Plan and Development Code, then here are potential areas where the Planning Commission can find that the Project Objectives themselves do not fit. This is exactly where staff and consultant, in my opinion, have steered the project away from known public concerns, which are themselves based in the General Plan and Development Code, and stacked the deck in favor of the developer.

It is my assertion that an actual, balanced EIR analysis would look a lot different than what the public now sees as a fait accompli for Kenwood Investments.

A 62-room hotel with an 80-seat restaurant, with the residential component waived, does not meet existing city policy to include a residential component in commercial projects. Waiving the residential component will result in the city actually losing potential affordable housing, and therefore, the Project Objectives detract from city planning objectives, and therefore, waiving the residential component should not be allowed.

There is a clear value planning judgment at stake here: what is more valuable, needed residential development or stoking an already out of balance tourism economy? Where are the “facts” here? Well, there is a policy area here that calls to be finessed, not to be presented as a zero-sum game, “objective” slam dunk by the developer, staff and EIR consultant.

Furthermore, the Plaza needs a new 80-seat restaurant like a hole on the head. There are already enough high-end restaurants, and a new one will likely serve to put the others out of business, and dilute the money and benefit they are already giving. The No Restaurant alternative therefore, will help to keep existing Plaza businesses healthy, and not intensify the tourism the city has a goal to try and balance with residents’ desires to have a Plaza that meets residents needs as well.

Project Objective economic goals are illusory and unrealizable

The Project Objectives regarding job creation, TOT, multiplier effect etc. are really a statement of trickle-down economics, which while the conservative wealthy love to keep saying how great the idea is, to the man on the street, trickle down is a pack of lies, and never comes true. Nothing trickles down. That’s why we have the 1%, of whom the investors clearly are. Why do we have the greatest inequality about ever in the history of mankind right now, and Sonoma County is one the top ten most unaffordable places to live if trickle down works? All of a sudden, the wealthy are going to start to share? I don’t think so. The investors here are not primarily out to meet public goals but to make a killing in their investments. If they had public goals in mind, why are they trying to avoid the residential component? Why don’t they build a hostel to serve area median income people instead of luxury rich guys who don’t need any help?

The economic benefits argument is balderdash, and is not a valid objective if we can see it plain does not work, and only benefits people who are already rich.

Project Objectives are Not Guaranteed

The CEQA object here is to be reasonable, and to outline alternatives that would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives for a project. Surely it can’t be a foregone conclusion that all project objectives would be guaranteed ahead of time. Why even have Planning Commission review and public comment in that case?

City Staff Does Not Support the No Restaurant Alternative

Draft Resolution certifying EIR and Use Permit, 11/3/16



State Clearinghouse Number: 2015062041

“No Restaurant Alternative

Under the No Restaurant Alternative, the Project components would remain the same as described in Chapter 3, Project Description; however, the 80-seat restaurant would no longer be constructed. Under this alternative, the square footage, location, number of hotel rooms, and general layout of the Project would remain similar as proposed by the Project. This alternative assumes that the use of the restaurant space would likely be utilized for hotel operations or additional lobby space.


The City finds that this alternative is less desirable than the proposed Project and rejects this alternative.

“Facts in Support of Finding:

“This alternative would not meet the project objectives related to the operation of a restaurant on site. As a result, the project would not result in increased sales tax, or provide full and part time local employment opportunities to operate the restaurant. In addition, the restaurant component constitutes a ground floor retail use that is supported in the City of Sonoma General Plan as contributing to the vitality of the downtown. Therefore, the removal of the restaurant use would diminish project consistency with the General Plan.

Critique of Staff Recommendation on No Restaurant Alternative

I challenge staff criteria given for why the No Restaurant alternative is less desirable, and encourage the Planning Commission to adopt the No Restaurant alternative.

Staff says that the No Restaurant alternative is inconsistent with Project Objectives. Why? The reason is that Project Objectives, of having a restaurant, increasing sales tax and increasing employment will not be satisfied. This amounts to saying that “Project Objectives are valid because they are Project Objectives.” This is not a “fact in support of the findings”, it is a tautology, saying the same thing twice to prove point. Furthermore, as pointed out, Project Objectives are themselves, of a fundamentally subjective nature. Staff has given a facile, and weak rationale here.

In the case of the No Restaurant alternative, what is likely is that the question of feasibility hinges on an unstated Project Objective: potential large investor returns from the Project. If this is an actual Project Objective, it should be explicitly stated and not remain tacitly assumed. The Planning Commission should not be obliged to conform to an unstated Project aspiration, or to conform to a weak and illogical staff rationale.

Furthermore, an analysis of the restaurant’s impacts on other Plaza restaurants has not been given. A tacit assumption is made that more restaurants is better, and will produce more money for the city and increase downtown economic vitality. A peer review by Fodor and Associates, who question that growth is always beneficial, might show that more restaurants is not better, and that an escalation of restaurant growth may just as well diminish business for existing restaurant players. A new 80-seat restaurant risks what is known as a “J-curve” crash, too many actors trying to capture the same amount of resources. This more, more, more, as good world view leads to a tragedy of the commons. This is well known and scientifically demonstrable.

What we have here then is a basic philosophical difference concerning growth and conservation, that then gets worked into staff and consultant EIR recommendation as “fact” when, in fact, this growth bias is shot through to the heart with assumptions that are not factual, are contestable on objective grounds, and/or that twist information to only conform to the growth-as-good view. This is hardly the objective, knowledgeable, mere application of planning code, non-values approach advocated by those who want to use this process to advocate the interests of more luxury economy in the city, and area of the county that is already suffering from a tragedy of the commons for affordable housing and affordable living.

A better recommendation would be to take the No Restaurant alternative, and have the city shoot for an “S-curve” carrying capacity of Plaza restaurants and economic vitality. This would be sustainable, and fit the scale and small town character of Sonoma, which is also a General Plan goal.

And so while I am not a planner on par with yourselves or David Goodison, I hope I have at least demonstrated here, that there is more than one way to look at these Project Objectives and city planning objectives, and it sure seems to me that staff is spinning this EIR to all fall to the benefit of the developer, and does not take into account the many concerns the community has with this project. And, staff does not make an effort to use this EIR process, and knowledge of the General Plan, to construct any arguments that would benefit the aspirations, and city planning objectives contained within the General Plan, of those who oppose this project and would rather see a carrying capacity-type planning approach. Therefore, I see staff’s and consultant’s  presentation as fundamentally biased to the developer, and therefore, an alternative analysis/ peer review of the EIR should be done by Fodor and Associates, so as to elicit all the points that have been minimized or ignored.

On What Objective Basis can the No Restaurant Alternative be Considered?

The CEQA, Planning Commission process here does not outline how the No Restaurant alternative can objectively be determined to be more or less desirable, especially if the rationale given by staff is a tautology, i.e. says nothing. Thus, this decision on the No Restaurant alternative is a value judgement the Planning Commission can make. This process of how to decide on the No Restaurant alternative does not meet any threshold of sufficient or substantial evidence in approving the Project as a whole.

Staff also says the No Restaurant alternative is inconsistent with the General Plan, because it will take away ground floor retail that would contribute to the vitality of downtown. Well, you can’t take away something that is not there yet. Vitality is a very subjective notion here; the case can be made that downtown is too vital, it is a J-curve crash waiting to happen, and needs to be toned down. In any event, if subjective proofs are allowed as a “fact in support of finding”, why can’t public or Planning Commission subjective value judgments be admitted to this EIR process as well?

For General Plan consistency, the Plaza already has plenty of restaurants, a new 80-seat restaurant is by no means a current necessity. We’re talking, for an 80-seat restaurant, 20 tables at four sets per table. This would create glut of restaurants and maybe even put other restaurants out of business, certainly not a General Plan objective. The city is also not hurting for money or additional tax sources, having just passed a tax measure, and thus, the lack of sales tax is not really a good reason for staff to reject a No Restaurant alternative. Overall, the short treatment given to the No Restaurant alternative by staff shows a biased and incomplete entertaining of the whole impacts on the Plaza and long-term city planning environment.

Fostering more high-end retail can also been as inconsistent with the General Plan because that causes more inflation, and makes it less likely that those who live and work here can afford to shop here, also a General Plan goal. This plays back into the consultant’s failure to make an adequate summary of the public’s concerns and issues with this project.

The main Project Objective appears to be a 62-room hotel with an 80-seat restaurant. The other objectives are ancillary and would equally apply to a 26-room, or a 6-room hotel, or a project with no restaurant. An alternate project would still meet local employment and economic vitality objectives, be a capital investment, increase TOT, be aesthetic, and it could still be energy efficient and LEED certified. A smaller hotel is certainly economically viable, as demonstrated by the Ledson and Marino hotels on the Plaza.

As per project employment objectives, there is no guarantee that potential project employees will earn a living wage. How will a living wage be defined for Sonoma? All evidence of hotel worker wages to date are that the scale is not adequate to afford Sonoma property, rents, food, goods and services. A promise of union labor does not mean that there will be union labor. Even if there was union labor, what wage scale are we talking about? $15 an hour? To be able to afford a market rate house in Sonoma of $600,000, how much would a hotel worker have to make?

It is equally possible to look upon the main Project Objective as constituting  a negative cost. These perceived costs could be measured, vetted and explained by an alternative analysis and/or peer review; or by the Planning Commission itself. Otherwise what we see is a slam dunk engineered to pass against the will of half the public.

If ever there was a situation that called for a compromise solution, this is it. To pursue a zero-sum winner-take-all approach effectively caves to pressure from wealthy investors, and disenfranchises the public. Therefore, my recommendation, do not waive the residential component, and take the No Restaurant alternative.

Project Objectives are Guaranteed?

The city is not beholden to satisfy the developer’s investors, or to waive the residential component. There is no good reason why not to include the residential component, other than that the developer simply does not want to. If there is a will, a way can be found to build any project. Why is there a residential component in the first place if it was not expected to be satisfied, housing opportunity site or not? The reason the residential component does not appear to fit is that the hotel proposed is too large for the lot. Well, draw up a smaller hotel so that a residential component will fit. Why was there not a Project drawing that showed an inclusion of a residential component? This puts undo pressure on the Planning Commission, as it seems like a foregone conclusion to grant a waiver, as it would inconvenience the developer, to have to produce additional drawings, and to give up an unstated project objective.

This lack of preparation, to include full drawings of a residential component, and plans for no restaurant, appears to be a psychological ploy to pressure the Planning Commission to cave to developer’s desires. The developer’s lack of preparation in this regard however, does not signify the Planning Commission must accede to a housing waiver, or to including the restaurant.

Furthermore, why would anyone assume that a developer has essentially a guarantee of having all their project objectives met? Why would the public even bother to comment then? Indeed, a draft EIR resolution has already been composed that assumes the Planning Commission will not choose the No Restaurant alternative, even before the Planning Commission has deliberated on the matter. What about meaningful public participation, including that of the Planning Commission? This sure seems to me, to have elements of an orchestrated power play to deliver 100% of the project objectives.

A project that may exist for many decades in the core area of Sonoma, the Plaza, that will define Sonoma’s identity, deserves to not only reflect developer aspirations, but also public aspirations as well. And it is clear that public aspirations, as they are reflected in the General Plan, have been assiduously been minimized by staff.

Consistency with General Plan

Another aspect of project alternative feasibility is consistency with the General Plan, CEQA Guidelines 15126.6 (f), (1). The General Plan says that people who work here should be able to live and shop here. More elite, high-end development is exactly what is changing city demographics so that the workforce can no longer afford to live or shop here. There is a current city council goal to address this problem, and find a nexus with residents and tourism. Balancing tourism and resident’s values, is a core city goal and challenge. This luxury hotel represents tourism on steroids. The General Plan has sustainable, triple bottom line aspirations, which means that high-end multiplier economic effects are not the only General Plan value to be consistent with. Why then are there no counter points provided by staff, anywhere, in any of the EIR, to show any awareness of public sentiment, that would show awareness of having responded to meaningful public participation to limit J-curve assumptions and reach an S-curve of carrying capacity for tourism?

The Planning Commission can bring to bear its knowledge of the General Plan and point out where staff has left out city planning goals that may conflict with the Project. The Planning Commission is the last stop where educated citizen volunteers can make a case to mitigate this project, to come in at a scale and intensity appropriate for the community. I ask the Planning Commission to look at this project with a critical eye and not buy staff’s recommendations hook, line and sinker.

As presented in the EIR, exactly what is consistent with the General Plan seems to be more of a value judgement than a matter of objective quantification anyway. Everyone can find what they want to hear in the General Plan; it is an all-purpose document. As said William Blake, “both read the Bible (General Plan) day and night, where thou readest black and I readest white.”


In spite of the process in place deck being stacked in favor of this Project, choosing the No Restaurant alternative, and not waiving the residential component, are both solid EIR and use permit procedural grounds the Planning Commission could use to reduce the size of the project. It is a valid and justifiable potential choice of the Planning Commission to not waive the residential component and to choose the No Restaurant alternative.

Including the residential component, and choosing the No Restaurant alternative would result in 50% of the land being devoted to housing, 20% of which would be affordable. This housing would be built and not deferred. This would mean more affordable and market rate housing built than otherwise. Including the residential component, and choosing the No Restaurant alternative would result in a hotel approximately half the size as proposed; this is still feasible, and consistent with the bulk of Project Objectives, and still consistent with the General Plan, plus satisfies public opinion and city council policy to not overwhelm the downtown area with tourism, and the General Plan goal of keeping the small-town character and scale of downtown Sonoma.

An alternate analysis and peer review by the independent consulting firm Fodor and Associates, or similar, is a request aimed at satisfying the public review of reasonable and feasible Project alternatives, and to satisfy meaningful public participation and representation.


CEQA Guidelines

15126.6 Consideration and Discussion of Alternatives to the Proposed Project.

(a) Alternatives to the Proposed Project. An EIR shall describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives.

(f) Rule of reason. The range of alternatives required in an EIR is governed by a “rule of reason” that requires the EIR to set forth only those alternatives necessary to permit a reasoned choice. The alternatives shall be limited to ones that would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project. Of those alternatives, the EIR need examine in detail only the ones that the lead agency determines could feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project. The range of feasible alternatives shall be selected and discussed in a manner to foster meaningful public participation and informed decision making.

(1) Feasibility. Among the factors that may be taken into account when addressing the feasibility of alternatives are site suitability, economic viability, availability of infrastructure, general plan consistency, other plans or regulatory limitations, jurisdictional boundaries (projects with a regionally significant impact should consider the regional context), and whether the proponent can reasonably acquire, control or otherwise have access to the alternative site (or the site is already owned by the proponent). No one of these factors establishes a fixed limit on the scope of reasonable alternatives. (Citizens of Goleta Valley v. Board of Supervisors (1990) 52 Cal.3d 553; see Save Our Residential Environment v. City of West Hollywood (1992) 9 Cal.App.4th 1745, 1753, fn. 1).



Further Residential Component comment: to the Planning Commission

April 9, 2017 by Fred Allebach

Comments on Residential Component section of  current staff report, Napa Street East Hotel

Residential Component.

In applications for new development on commercially-zoned properties larger than one-half acre, a residential component comprising at least 50% of the total proposed building area is normally required unless waived or reduced by the Planning Commission (SMC 19.10.020.B.3). It should be noted that the reduction or waiver of a residential component does not constitute a variance or an exception, as this allowance is built into the definition of the Commercial zone. No residential component is proposed in this project and the applicants are requesting a waiver from this standard. As set forth in the Development Code, circumstances in which the residential component may be reduced or waived, include—but are not limited—to the following:

1.The replacement of a commercial use within an existing tenant space with another

commercial use.

2.The presence of uses or conditions incompatible with residential development on or adjacent to the property for which a new development is proposed.

3.Property characteristics, including size limitations and environmental characteristics, that

constrain opportunities for residential development or make it infeasible.

4.Limitations imposed by other regulatory requirements, such as the Growth Management


Fred’s Comment: It seems the Planning Commission has a value judgment choice to make here concerning the residential component waiver. As you may recall, with the Safeway expansion study session, Safeway put forth circumstances #s 2 and 3 as justification to not include a residential component. However, the Planning Commission essentially told them to figure out how to make it work, that conditions (even a wetland) were not incompatible with residential development, and that while Safeway said the property characteristics were not congruent with residential use, the public and the PC said to figure out how to make it work.

This is what architects do, figure out how to make it all work. What seems to be at play here with the Napa Street hotel, is, just like Safeway, a lack of will and creativity to make it work. The applicant just doesn’t want to do it. This is up to the Planning Commission to decide if 50% of the property can be put to residential use. Any architects can say what they think. Given the types of architectural creativity mankind is capable of, it is certainly not out of bounds to think that 50% of this property can be residential use. The will and desire has to be there to do it, however, not to try to avoid it at all costs.

Paraphrasing from the project narrative, the applicants

make the following arguments in support of the waiver request:

•The hotel use, in and of itself, does not lend itself to an integrated residential component and the size and configuration of the subject property make it infeasible to integrate a stand-alone residential component separate from the hotel.

Fred’s comment: This basically says one: a hotel is a hotel, and residential is residential, but provides no rationale or reason why these uses cannot be integrated (they are with the FSE proposal); and two: the applicant appeals to waiver circumstance #3 above, which has been shown to not be a hard and fast rule. The EIR has a provision that feasible alternatives have to be “reasonable.”  Arguments should also and reasonable, and when they are not, pointed out. As such, saying that a hotel is a hotel, and residential is residential, says nothing, and is not a rational argument.

•Sonoma has a limited amount of commercially-zoned property that can generate revenue for the City to support the development of low income and workforce housing through the payment of housing impact fees (currently under development) and tax revenue.

Fred’s comment: As noted in the staff report and David Eichar’s analysis in my initial residential component comment, there is no impact fee or in lieu fee defined as of yet, and even if it were, and the fee were low, Sonoma would still end up losing six affordable housing units by waiving the residential component.

•A residential component would impose size and economic limitations which would make it financially infeasible to develop the project. For example, in order to comply with off-street parking requirements, parking already takes up virtually the entire basement footprint of the

hotel and the subterranean expansion of the basement parking garage would be financially prohibitive.

Fred’s comment: This really only says that size and economic limitations for one set of project objectives, would make the project financially infeasible. The currently-stated project objectives are not cast in stone, although it appears the applicant has staked everything on getting the outcome they want. Most explicitly stated project objectives can still be met with a project significantly smaller. It is not the Planning Commission’s fault that other feasible alternatives have not been adequately presented. As signs at hardware stores say, “Lack of preparation on your part is not an emergency on my part.”

There appears to be no case-closed, apparent necessity, no compelling rationale that shows financial infeasibility for including a residential component. This is a complete value judgement.

And as noted, size and space limitations are not in and of themselves, insurmountable obstacles. What is an obstacle, is will and desire.  

As for parking: if the 50% of the property went for residential, then 50% of the garage can go for residential too. And as we see from current parking plans and proposals, the applicant seems well equipped to lobby for whatever parking any eventuality will call for, and it is ironic that when a use is called for they don’t want, then all of a sudden parking is an issue? This just shows that these are all preferences and not facts, and therefore it is a legit Planning Commission choice to include the residential component.

Higher residential density/ mixed use planning is what urban Bay Area, and Sonoma County needs. This density can be worked in by city planning and architects, because this is where all regional planning is pointing anyway

•The hotel’s normal daily activities will generate pedestrian activity by hotel guests in the Downtown area consistent with the intent expressed in the “Desired Future” of the Downtown area, as set forth in the Development Code.

Fred’s Comment: The actual “desired future” of the downtown area is exactly what is at stake with this proposed project and it is ironic that staff and consultant have not been able to produce an accurate summary of just what the full slate of issues is to the community. What we see instead is a process where community input is minimized, said to be invalid and insignificant, and submerged in 1000s of pages of highly technical language that has the effect of obscuring and delegitimizing public input. The issue of town’s “desired future” has been reduced to a flat out PR campaign, complete with efforts to intimidate the Planning Commission and throw the PC and city council into disarray.

What the Planning Commission needs to do is to cut through the crap and explicitly address how the EIR and use permit/ planning aspects at stake here actually relate to the town’s desired future, as manifested in their entire interpretation in the Development Code and the General Plan. Let’s stop pretending this is some objective application of “the facts”, and get the real cards on the table. There is a lot of room for value judgement and partial presentation of material, by the applicant, by staff, and by the public. And it is therefore reasonable to see that PC commissioners are not robots, and must make value judgments as well, and in no way, can this process be reduced to some sort of mathematical equation, where by simple application of the rules, the only inevitable answer will be deduced.

•The restaurant will offer a ground floor retail component serving both visitors and local residents consistent with Development Code guidelines for the Downtown planning area.

Fred’s comment: Which demographic of local residents will the restaurant serve? If the AMI is $60,000 per year, which AMI residents eat at Four Star restaurants where you pay $16 for a small appetizer and $50 or more for a lunch? I believe that the General Plan says that people who work here should be able to shop here as well. Another luxury retail venue does not meet the needs of “local residents”, because it is the proliferation of luxury hospitality economy venues that, in aggregate, are exactly what is negatively impacting the “desired future” of Sonoma, and that has driven “local residents” to have move out of town for not being able to afford the economy here. Again, the public needs the PC to cut through the crap and make an honest appraisal of this project as a whole, somebody has to put the cards on the table, cards ta represent the view of half or more of the town’s opinion.   

•Sonoma currently has approximately 100 rental units in the development pipeline on sites that are better suited to support a residential component.

Fred’s comment: “Better suited?”  The PC has a value judgement to make here. Better, worse, how the future flavor of a common downtown space will pan out for the whole community

Unlike some other properties where the Planning Commission has declined to waive a residential component, the subject site is not identified as a “Housing Opportunity Site” in the Housing

Element of the General Plan and there is no assumption in the Housing Element that the redevelopment of the site will include a housing component. The request for a waiver of the residential component was highlighted in the initial Planning Commission study sessions on the project and at that time Commissioners did not identify the request as a significant issue. More recently, however, in the hearing on the Draft EIR, the lack of a residential component was identified as an issue by several commentators, including at least one Planning Commissioner, who suggested that the alternatives analysis in the EIR should include a project with a residential component. This question is addressed in the review of the EIR, following. On a related matter, the City is in the process of a developing a nexus study to support a housing impact fee to be applied to new commercial development to assist in offsetting associated housing demand. If adopted, this fee would be tied to the issuance of building permits and would be applicable to the proposed development (see condition of approval #24). Staff would note that under the Development Code the payment of such a fee is not specifically identified as a factor that may be used to support of a residential waiver and, in any event, the fee has not yet been established.

Fred’s comment: No mention is made that the SVCAC recommendation to the Planning Commission, was to give serious consideration to the residential component. Why is this important recommendation left out of this summary? The SVCAC was created to be the voice of the Valley; this voice should be respected and listened to. As well, the SVCAC, owing to the absence of one commissioner, very nearly came to a hung vote on this hotel project, which demonstrates where community objectives stand concerning approval of an unmitigated approval of all project objectives.

As part of the packet for the 4/13 meeting, staff has prepared for the Planning Commission, an approval of a waiver of the residential component, as if this is a fait accompli. The following gives staff’s justification of the waiver.

III. Waiver of Residential Component

As provided for in section 19.10.020.B of the Sonoma Municipal Code, the Planning Commission hereby determines that the Hotel Project Sonoma shall not be required to incorporate a residential component, based upon the following considerations:


The hotel use does not lend itself to an integrated residential component and the size and configuration of the subject property make it impractical to integrate a stand-alone residential

component separate from the hotel.


The hotel’s normal daily activities will generate pedestrian activity and contribute to the economic vitality of the downtown as expressed in the “Desired Future” of the Downtown Planning Area, as set forth in the Development Code in a manner similar to that which would be

provided through a residential component.


The restaurant will offer a ground floor retail component serving both visitors and local residents, consistent with the Local Economy Element of the General Plan.


The subject site is not identified as a “Housing Opportunity Site” in the Housing Element of the General Plan and there is no assumption in the Housing Element that the redevelopment of the site will include a housing component.

Fred’s comment:

A: The size and configuration of the lot is cited as reason to not include the residential component. This in and of itself, as noted above, is not sufficient reason or rationale, as demonstrated by the Safeway example.

B: This is a restatement of the applicant’s aspirations, as noted by staff: “Paraphrasing from the project narrative, the applicants make the following arguments in support of the waiver request:”

The “desired future” of downtown, and “economic vitality” argument are in the citation of the applicant. This line seems to be bought hook, line and sinker by staff. This line is then cited as reason why the PC should grant the waiver. This is not staff making an objective analysis and recommendation to the Planning Commission; this is staff being the mouthpiece of the developer. This is the result of a failure of staff to make any case, derived, from years of public comment, that this project has fundamental community-inappropriate elements that can just as well be elucidated by citing General Plan principles. The residential component has many reasons why it should not be waived. Where is staff discussion that shows any attempt to provide reasons (to acknowledge the SVCAC’s recommendation), and include the residential component?

C. The weasel-word use of “local residents” completely sidesteps known local issues of lack of economic equity, and unsustainable tourism, and lack of triple bottom line planning analysis, and seeks to pass off on the Planning Commission and the public, a J-curve, more-is-better, trickle down, growth biased set of tacit economic assumptions. These assumptions have been challenged by top economists as wrong. Any fair reading of the “local economic element” of the General Plan would surely be able to elicit alternate takes, and infuse this discussion with the balance that has been so conspicuously lacking.

The lack of balance in staff presentation opens up the Planning Commission to be free to insert balance where necessary.

D. That the proposed hotel site is not a housing opportunity site is a red herring. The residential component exists regardless of that designation or not. Housing needs exist independent of zoning classes, and it is the job of the PC to address the housing needs of the community, not to find developer-supplied rationales to avoid complying with an existing policy rule, the residential component.

Furthermore, the public continues to be bludgeoning with 350-page, 900-page, 1000-page documents, that cumulatively justify exactly what the Napa Street West hotel applicant wants. These planning department and consultant documents do not reflect a large portion of public opinion in even the least bit, and as is demonstrated by using the applicant’s own arguments to justify the residential component waiver. This shows, in aggregate, that the current dust up around business-as-usual not being what elected representatives want to see for the town’s future, is exactly what the public, and the applicant is getting from staff itself.

In my opinion, the current controversy around the Planning Commission’s fair application of General Plan and Development Code provisions, seems to be just as wound up in staff biases and partialities, as it does with the purported biases of commissioners and potential commissioners.

This all speaks to how to unwind advocacy from objectivity, and if that is even possible.  


To Planning Commission: don’t ignore hotel’s greenhouse gas impact

April 10, 2017 by Fred Allebach

In this comment, I will request an alternative analysis, and/or peer review, of the Project transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) section of the EIR by the Union of Concerned Scientists, or a similar agency. This request is made asking that the following items be covered, with due diligence done to ensure substantial evidence has been gathered, to:

-Ensure that up-to-date, 2017 climate information has been considered.

-Ensure a true cost accounting of Project transportation GHG emissions, through the undertaking of a Project cross-border, consumption-based transportation GHG inventory.

-That Project-derived air travel has been properly defined and accounted for.

-That Project-based, employee and hotel guest automobile transportation GHG emissions have been properly accounted for and quantified.

-That true cost accounting of mass transit and bicycle mitigations will be quantified in light of Project employee’s and hotel guest’s actual transportation GHG emissions,

-That Project client’s wealth has been properly accounted for in a consumption-based, per capita Project GHG inventory.

And, I will assert that lead agency’s reasoning as to consistency with the county Climate Action is deficient, and that the Project is inconsistent with the recent city council’s passing of the RCPA’s 22 local climate protection actions, specifically Measure 4-L1 mixed use development in city centers and along transit corridors.

And finally, it would be prudent for the GHG section of the EIR, for the city and Planning Commission, to take into account the Climate Action 2020 EIR lawsuit by California River Watch, that is based on many of the same questions brought forth above, as far as lack of true cost accounting of regional and county transportation GHG impacts.

Alternative Analysis and/or Peer Review of Project Transportation GHG Emissions

I suggest an alternative analysis and/or peer review by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), or another environmental consulting agency of similar repute, specifically of the transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions section of EIR. This will be to examine if there is substantial evidence to the contrary regarding the adequacy of 2011 Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) GHG transportation thresholds. The BAAQMD 2011 thresholds are the ones used by the lead agency (the city).

What level of climate protections do the BAAQMD bright-line thresholds shoot for in terms of climate change and level of global warming increase? 1.5 Celsius, 2.0C, 3.0C? Given the current state of climate science, the public needs to know the BAAQMD targets and what chance they actually have for reversing catastrophic warming.


Union of Concerned Scientists,

West Coast Office
500 12th Street, Suite 340
Oakland, CA 94607-4087
Phone: (510) 843-1872
Fax: (510) 843-3785


The UCS has reviewed aspects of the state Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, in particular, rules concerning the creation of Groundwater Sustainability Plans; and the UCS has produced a Blueprint for a Clean Energy Economy.



To have an actual alternative analysis, it will be important to engage an agency capable of challenging business-as-usual EIR assumptions. If the current EIR represents the city’s and the developer’s interests, an alternative analysis will represent the public and environmental interests, and make the process fair.

One thing is certain, the public does not have the chops to stand on equal ground to the EIR consultant, and because the public cannot martial arguments of a certain type, their points are dismissed as invalid and insignificant. Only through the representation of an alternative analysis for Project transportation GHG impacts, can points be formulated on equal ground to that of the EIR consultant, and thus, the public’s voice be heard


True Cost Accounting and Consumption-Based GHG Inventory is Necessary

Additionally, the BAAQMD, in association with UC Berkeley Cool Climate Network (1) has worked on a Bay Area consumption-based GHG emissions inventory that come in @ 35% higher than activity-based inventories. This consumption-based inventory sees large inequalities for household GHG footprint, and these are tied to wealth, vehicle ownership, and for recreational travel, i.e. tourism. Actual, true cost accounting of Project transportation GHG emissions (i.e. tourist-based GHG emissions) are likely to be higher than cited in the EIR, and a UCS or similar alternative analysis/ peer review of Project transportation GHG emissions would possibly show the GHG emissions to be significant and therefore in need of further review and mitigation.

The CRW EIR lawsuit against the Climate Action 2020 transportation GHG forecast impacts, is proceeding along exact these same lines.

The BAAQMD bright-line threshold used for the EIR, from 2011, one, may no longer be accurate, and two, may simply be a sophisticated systemic regulatory means to shoehorn in more business as usual growth and development. An alternative analysis that looks at Project transportation GHG from a sustainability/carrying capacity frame, would, in my estimation, be likely to conclude that the @ 825 MTCO2e produced by the project on an annual basis, is significant because it is 825 more than would have existed without the project. Because the bright line threshold is @ 1,100 MTCO2e, that means 825 has only a “nominal” (FEIR answer to question BO4-07) impact on climate change?  C’mon. An 825-metric ton equivalent of carbon per year from the project is only “nominal”, and therefore not significant?

It seems we have in one hand regulatory policy from the state of CA that is designed to reduce GHG emissions, and then we have a regional, city, and CEQA EIR process that finds ways to finesse the creation of more GHG emissions. Something is not right here.

The GHG section of this Project EIR goes to great lengths to “prove” that Project transportation GHG impacts will not be significant, which flies in the face of a commonsense conclusion that even one ton of transportation GHG emissions is significant.


FEIR Questions Inadequately Answered

One essential criticism of the Project’s EIR in terms of transportation GHG impacts, is that an artificial line (activity-based inventory) has been drawn that restricts those impacts to activities only within the city, the county, or the Bay Area region. The FEIR answer to question B04-02 was inadequate because it did not address the question of how a true cost accounting of Project transportation GHG emissions would alter the Project GHG transportation inventory in terms of significance. The FEIR answer to the above question relies on state-level mitigations, not Project-specific mitigations. The answer concludes by stating, “… actions taken in CA would be unlikely to reverse global warming on their own.” Yet, a failure to address incremental Project GHG transportation emissions, and the like, is exactly what has led to the global climate crisis in the first place.


CAPCOA Evaluation of Significant Impacts

As per the following CAPCOA (California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association) citation, I question if the lead agency adopted any GHG threshold ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation through a public review process, and what substantial evidence the lead agency is using to assert that the aggregate transportation GHG emissions of this Project will not significantly contribute to human-caused climate change? I assert here that the lead agency’s call that Project transportation GHG emissions are less than significant do not constitute an “irrebuttable presumption that impacts below the regulatory standard are less than significant.”


CAPCOA White Paper: CEQA and Climate Change http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008publications/CAPCOA-1000-2008-010/CAPCOA-1000-2008-010.PDF

p. 11 “Additionally, Guidelines §15064.7(b) requires that if thresholds of significance are adopted for general use as part of the lead agency’s environmental review process they must be adopted by ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation, and developed through a public review process and be supported by substantial evidence.

“While many public agencies adopt regulatory standards as thresholds, the standards do not substitute for a public agency’s use of careful judgment in determining significance. They also do not replace the legal standard for significance (i.e., if there is a fair argument, based on substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the project may have a significant effect, the effect should be considered significant) (Guidelines §15064(f)(1). Also see Communities for a Better Environment v. California Resource Agency 103 Cal. App. 4th 98 (2002)). In other words, the adoption of a regulatory standard does not create an irrebuttable presumption that impacts below the regulatory standard are less than significant.”


2011 BAAQMD Thresholds are Currently Adequate?

A lot has changed in five or six years since 2011 climate-wise. A Project transportation GHG alternative analysis and/or peer review by the UCS or similar agency/ consulting firm, would give the public confidence that the GHG component is accurate and representative of primary assumptions concerning planning for sustainability and carrying capacity in development projects. The whole thrust of climate action plans is to address how to dial down business as usual (BAU) practices, not to figure out ways to justify more of the same growth inertia that has led to the climate crisis in the first place. Confidence should be given from the ER process that actual climate problems are being addressed and not that business as usual (BAU) is simply being shoe-horned in.

Transportation and building energy are the two greatest sources of CA state GHG emissions. Transportation accounts for 36.8% of CA GHG emissions. On-road transportation will be a large percentage (40% range) of Project-generated GHG emissions. Transportation is a Project area deemed to be a significant impact in need of mitigation. As I proceed with this comment, I will demonstrate how proposed Project transportation GHG mitigations are inadequate.

My comment, and argument here is centered on how to properly account for Sonoma tourist destination GHG emissions, and specifically the proposed Napa Street West hotel. If the impact is framed as less to start, the mitigations will be less as well.


Accounting for Project-Related Air Travel

Air travel is a type of transportation likely to be used by national and international wealthy tourists targeted by the Sonoma Tourism Improvement District (TID), and by publications such as Sonoma Magazine, (owned by the developer). Air travel has the worst impact for all transportation GHG emissions. However, that there would be any Project-related air travel is discounted offhand in the EIR. On answer to question BO4-03, the consultant says, “It is not anticipated that the Project would generate aircraft trips.” There has been no demonstrated effort by the consultant to account for Project destination travel. The consultant states that the Project itself will not likely be the only reason for air travel air travel. So, who then accounts for air travel if no one is responsible? It is reasonable to assume that some Project transportation GHG will be from air travel. This needs to be actually accounted for and not passed off as irrelevant.

According to the NYT, “one round-trip flight from New York to San Francisco creates a warming effect equivalent to 2 or 3 tons of carbon dioxide per person. The average American generates about 19 tons of carbon dioxide a year.” In the following link, David Suzuki says why air travel is so significant http://www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/climate-change/science/climate-change-basics/air-travel-and-climate-change/

How many tourists are coming to Sonoma by large airline? Why can’t this be quantified? The FEIR dismisses air travel as having any Project GHG impact, but produces no substantial evidence to support that claim. All hotel users are coming in regionally? I don’t think so; it is likely that some percent of tourists fly into the Bay Area with Sonoma, Sonoma County, and “wine country”, and specific hotels as a destination. This is exactly what the TID is promoting. With the marketing of a large luxury hotel, wealthy people can and will fly to Sonoma from around the country and the world. Sonoma, and this hotel project reasonably have, and will have, an air travel GHG footprint and this needs to be quantified to assess the transportation GHG impacts of this project. A failure to quantify this footprint is evasion of a legitimate impact.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. An alternative analysis/ peer review of Project transportation GHG emissions could find and cite air travel statistics relative to Sonoma hospitality venues, and assign a percentage to a 62-room hotel over a year.

The EIR process puts each hotel and tourist development project as a separate entity, draws a line around project’s GHG impacts and says they are less than significant. In this manner, more aggregate use gets shoe-horned in under the guise of artificially limited and proscribed mitigations. This is exactly how we have arrived at the climate crisis in the first place, by sanctioning more growth rather than shooting for a sustainable carrying capacity overall. This is exactly why an alternative analysis is called for, and why measures that appear to sanction business as usual should be called into question by the Planning Commission.


Wealth, Air Travel and High GHG Transportation Impacts are Linked                         Higher wealth, which is what will be required to travel to and stay at a $500 per night room in the proposed hotel Project, is definitively linked with higher per capita GHG emissions. This is demonstrable: https://www.oxfam.org/en/pressroom/pressreleases/2015-12-02/worlds-richest-10-produce-half-carbon-emissions-while-poorest-35  Luxury tourism takes a high degree of wealth to participate in. Sonoma is known as one of the wealthiest towns in the country. Sonoma = higher wealth = luxury tourism = higher GHG impacts. This is a restatement of the IPAT equation.

An alternative analysis and/or peer review by the UCS or similar agency would have the will to quantify the Project per capita GHG impacts of wealth, air travel, and regional/ employee single vehicle travel, and not pass off the need to for such quantification as irrelevant or “less than significant”, by inadequate measures. From where I stand, the EIR as a whole takes every possible angle to justify the Project and absolutely zero effort to find anything wrong. If this is not biased, what is? An alternative analysis is clearly called for.


CA River Watch CAP Lawsuit was made on Basis of Similar GHG Transportation Deficiencies as in this EIR

Lack of full, or true cost accounting, i.e. accounting for cross-border wine-hospitality-tourism-generated transportation GHG emissions, is the basis for the California River Watch CEQA lawsuit on the county climate action plan (CAP). A critical assumption of this full cost accounting is that GHG emissions are measured within a life-cycle, consumption-based framework, not an activity-based frame solely within county borders as is done by the county Regional Climate Protection Authority (RCPA). The following links show examples of systemic accounting for GHG emissions, of the type my public comments alluded to.



If CEQA is a California Act, who is responsible in CA for the GHG emissions of wine country and Sonoma tourism transportation GHG emissions? Where are these GHG emissions counted? How is a nexus made for the draw that causes the demand for such tourist destination transportation? Do airline flights exist in a vacuum? These are relevant questions aimed squarely at accounting for such Project transportation GHG impacts.

A full cost accounting of ALL transportation GHG impacts would enlarge the scope to beyond a within-county frame of reference. However, since the scope of the GHG impacts seem to be restricted to the county and/or North Bay only, it then becomes acceptable for staff to say: “These (EIR) projections encompass ALL vehicle trips generated by the project, including employees, hotel guests, restaurant patrons, and deliveries”, even though full cost accounting is not being used, and ALL of transportation footprint is not being accounted for.


Local Transportation GHG impacts of the Project

The EIR says that to mitigate local transportation GHG emissions, employees could take the bus to work. This is obfuscation; this is not a refutable argument; that employees can ride the bus does not mean they will. Nobody thinks potential hotel employees will take the bus.

Hotel work is service industry work and pays low wages. People who earn these wages cannot afford to live in Sonoma. It is known that a large percentage of Sonoma workers commute here with a more than ½ hour commute one-way. Therefore, the cumulative impact of some 60 or more employees who cannot afford to live here would amount to a certain amount of GHG emissions that the EIR consultant has declined to measure.

If employees were to take the bus, they will have to hope they don’t get off work late. The last bus to Santa Rosa is at 9:30 PM; the previous bus on the same route is at 7:30 PM. So, if you get off at 7:35 PM, you will have to wait two hours to catch your bus. The last bus to Petaluma is 5:45 PM. The last intra-valley bus is 4:40 PM. Bus service is inadequate to meet employee transportation needs.

In question BO7-08 of the FEIR, the commenter addresses Project employee Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), given known scarcity of housing and mass transit. The consultant, admits to not assuming extensive transit use. Is mass transit going to be assumed to be a Project transportation GHG mitigation in one place (consistent with county CAP) but then seen as an inadequate mitigation in another? You can’t have this both ways

It is highly unlikely that any of the 60 or possibly more employees of the hotel will be taking the bus to work, period. The EIR consultant should be asked by the Planning Commission to quantify the GHG emissions impacts of actual Project-based employee transportation. The following give some evidence of what employee transportation would actually look like.

Transportation is 38.9% of all Bay Area GHG emissions. Light duty vehicles (cars) are 63.3% of Bay Area transportation GHG emissions.


As per a 2003 county study on Sonoma County employee commutes: no public transportation was used at all by commuters. 88%-99% drove alone. Sonoma had the second highest commute in GHG emissions in county, after Petaluma. (Sonoma County Climate Protection Campaign GHG Inventory Project; Sonoma County, California September 2003
John David Erickson, Intern)

In the FEIR, the consultant does not answer question BO7-03, about how the Project will facilitate tourist mass transit use. The assumption seems to be that all tourists will be driving cars to the hotel. Thus, no mass transit will be used to deliver patrons to the hotel? The question is not answered. Available stats from the county 2015 Annual Tourism Report, about tourist transportation behavior are not cited. This adds to a perception of bias, if no evidence is cited to the contrary, and all points are stacked (or hidden) in the Project’s favor, this hardly seems like an objective, scientific method of fact finding. What it does seem like is an effort to appear objective while only quantifying points that support the Project.


The City has no VMT Standards or Thresholds

Regarding vehicle trips generated by the Project, the City of Sonoma has not itself, nor has the EIR, established thresholds of significance for evaluating Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), in accordance with Cal Trans State goals, nor has the city developed or adopted a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan to reduce regional Project VMT.

Proposed transportation mitigations in the EIR do not fully account for nor address how to significantly reduce VMT. The assertions that employees and hotel guest will ride bikes, and ride the bus are not quantified in any way. These are hypothetical suppositions that then are supposed to stand for mitigation of Project transportation GHG emissions.

A reasonable, and quantified addressing of the full value of Project employee transportation GHG will have to address: incentives for mass transit use, employer-provided shuttle and vanpool, ride-sharing, staggered work hours and flex-scheduling synced to the actual bus schedule, off-peak commute hours, carpool designated parking, guaranteed ride home and most importantly, affordable housing on-site (which supports not waiving the residential component).

A study of how many Sonoma hotel workers ride the bus or bikes to and from work should be undertaken. As well, a study of how many hotel guests take mass transit to Sonoma tourist destinations. The we can begin to quantify the Project transportation GHG impacts from actual data.

It can be reasonably demonstrated by prevailing Sonoma hotel hospitality wages and housing costs, that Project employees will not be able to afford to buy a home nor rent in Sonoma. No Project annual wage scale or wages per hour have been provided by the developer, other than an unsubstantiated promise to allow union labor. It is reasonable to assume then, that the number of employees biking to work will about zero. That Project patrons will bike and walk rather than drive is presented as a supposition; it is equally likely patrons will drive to other developer-owned venues, or other county event centers or local restaurants.

In light of the above discussion, the FEIR answer to question B4-03 is inadequate to address the actual vehicle trips generated by the Project.


Idling and Dumb Traffic Light at Second West and Napa

The street signal at 2nd Street West and Napa Street West is not a smart light. Any pedestrian-activated crossing signals interrupts traffic, and causes an intersection fully loaded with cars to sit idling in front of simultaneous red lights on all streets. This light, as currently configured, with possibly hundreds of more people per day in the area as a result of the hotel, has the potential to back traffic up and increase idling GHG emissions substantially. A smart light will need to be installed.


Bicycles, Walking, Tourist Impact on the Plaza

The EIR also promotes bicycle measures as an effort to satisfy BAAQMD TCM’s or transportation control measures. This however appears to be a gratuitous effort similar to the assertion that employees will take the bus. What other high-end hotel is relying on bikes to offset guest and employee transit and GHG emissions? Are rich, high-end tourists going to actually ride bikes anywhere when they can afford to rent a Maserati?

Only area median income people come to Sonoma, rent bikes, and ride out to Gundlach Bundschu or Buena Vista wineries.

Furthermore, once here, since the Plaza is nearby, it is assumed Project patrons will walk to their tourism destinations. This runs counter to a city council trend to question, and point out the high amount of impact tourists are having on the Plaza. Should the Project EIR and use permit be appealed to the council, this policy conflict should be noted. Is the city trying to make the Plaza more resident friendly, or more tourist friendly? Where is the balance? If it is OK for the EIR consultant assume hotel tourists will walk, why is it not OK for public EIR commenters to assume anything, and then have the consultant say there is no specific question?

The FEIR consultant addresses public comment as invalid and non-specific, and therefore “no response is required.” The consultant can’t then answer with vague, subjective answers of their own. This is not a systemically coherent method of addressing public comment; it amounts to a “do as I say, not as I do” double bind that rejects the merits of “non-specific” public comment, but then answers with the same non-specificity as proof. This can’t stand as a logical rebuttal.

The consultant has failed to make a good faith effort to answer public EIR questions, and to make any coherent summary of the issues at stake.

Question BO7-05 in the FEIR does not provide any quantification to answer questions about employee and hotel guest bicycle use, in the same manner the EIR consultant dismisses as inadequate from the public. Subjective assertions such as “it’s possible”, “more likely”, and “reasonable to anticipate”, about bicycle use cannot stand as an adequate response: where do Sonoma hotel employees live? How many in Sonoma? How many ride bikes to work? With the whole county advertising wine event centers and rural tasting facilities, hotel guests will not drive cars to events or to the coast?  Do not wealthy tourist have luxury cars that are known to get lower MPG and have higher GHG impacts? Higher wealth correlates with higher GHG impact, and a luxury hotel can be reasonably seen to be a magnet for higher transportation GHG impacts overall.

In the answer to question BO7-07, the consultant says Project transportation GHG emissions could “reasonably be expected” to be reduced because patrons will walk to the Plaza rather than drive their cars. Patrons would walk, “compared to conditions that might normally exist for a hotel that is not in walking distance of such.” Again, why can’t I question that it is reasonable to expect that the Project has an air traffic GHG footprint, and that this might be significant? No, with this EIR consultant we have a double bind discourse method being foisted on the public here that is not fair and obfuscatory.

Could it be “reasonably expected” that the hotel, working in conjunction with developer-owned Cornerstone, Wing and Barrel Ranch, Ramekins and The General’s Daughter, would have events and conferences there? These types of conferences are certainly planned as they were mentioned as part of the original hotel aspirations. Will hotel guests walk over there? Not likely at all. The Anderson-owned Wing and Barrel Ranch has a proposal for a substantial new club house to be built, and thus, plans to ramp up the tourism transportation GHG footprint associated with the hotel are clear to see.

Riding the bus and bikes as TCMs are a facile ploy to show some mitigation when existing surveys (Sonoma County Climate Protection Campaign GHG Inventory Project; Sonoma County, California September 2003
John David Erickson, Intern), and common sense lead to other conclusions. This is similar to the Montini EIR where off-leash dog’s impact on rare plants were supposed to be mitigated by a few signs and a low rock wall. Really? This Montini mitigation in the face of plenty of contrary evidence and reports showing compliance troubles with off-leash dogs in signed, public land areas.

What for Montini was signs and low rock walls, is bikes, bus, and curb pop-outs for the transportation and traffic aspects of this hotel Project. The whole traffic mitigation process hinges on two or three critical mitigations, mitigations that can be shown by alternative evidence and analysis to be inadequate. The only question is: who can bring the will and resources to bear to produce such alternative analysis? This is what I am requesting of the Planning Commission for this Project. An alternative Project transportation GHG analysis and/or peer review by an agency that will. Or, Planning Commissioners themselves call out the inadequacy.


Master Response cited but Not Indexed

In response to questions BO9, the consultant refers the reader to master responses 1 and 2, yet such master responses are not indexed in the FEIR. As such, the FEIR is poorly organized. How can the reader get a clear understanding of consultant answers to public comments, if the master responses cannot even be found in the index? If the Executive Summary is supposed to be the master response, there is none for GHG emissions, and the traffic and transportation section merely says that a curb pop-out and striping will mitigate everything.


Transportation/ Traffic Mitigations as Proposed are Inadequate

The information given in the original distributions of the FEIR responses to public comment included answers that sought to justify proposed hotel employee and guest transportation as being mitigated by mass transit and bicycle transportation. This assertion by the consultant, has now been explicitly denied by staff.  Staff now says that ALL transit GHG impacts have been accounted for in the EIR.

So what is it? What the consultant said before, or what staff says now?  When so many things get said over 1000s of pages of documents, who can keep track of what is true anymore? In law, this is known as “papering” the opposition. The opposing side is given so much material to look at, it becomes impossible to make sense of it all. Thereby a case gets made, not by compelling  arguments but by overwhelming with incomprehensible amounts of detail, which is then asserted to be true and right.

After a half hour of looking for the master responses, for pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic operation impacts, FEIR p. 5-3, I finally found it. And what does the master response say?  All the studies, graphs and objective quantification dismisses all public comments, points and concerns, and postulates that bicycles, mass transit and curb pop-outs will fix everything. That’s how Project transportation GHG impacts will be mitigated in a nutshell.

Does that not strike the Planning Commission as inadequate?

Given that the public simply does not buy the transportation GHG reduction rationales provided in the EIR, for good enough reasons, it is reasonable to ask for an alternative analysis so as to demonstrate to the public that every reasonable and full-evidence, true cost accounting alternative has been considered. If the EIR is going to make “facts” out of Project transportation GHG as being less than significant, and this will then be the basis of a possible developer lawsuit if the city does not approve the full project objectives as desired, I submit it is incumbent on the Planning Commission to seek and alternative study to satisfy the reasonable doubts raised by the public.


Alternative Analysis Necessary to Represent Public Interests

The public simply does not have the chops and expertise to take on this EIR. What the public needs is to be represented by an alternative expert. Then, let the Planning Commission decide whose arguments are more compelling.

The EIR and FEIR answers to almost all questions fail to connect the dots and address the gist of commenter’s points. The whole question and answer format reduces discourse to a kind of fake logic and stilted lawyer-type talk, that assigns factual value to partial, and biased evidence, and then challenges the public to have to provide its own study to refute it all. An alternative analysis would be the study to represent the public’s interests vis-à-vis this Project.


Consistency with County Climate Action Plan

The EIR claims the Project is consistent with county Climate Action Plan (CAP), specifically through the CAP’s Solution #9, Transportation and Land Use.

http://www.coolplan.org/ccap-report/CCAP_Final_11-05-08.pdf.  p. 43.

This claim of consistency is cited in the DEIR Appendices, under Environmental Impacts category #7, GHG, p. 32 of 60 or p.47 of 630, table 2


“CAP Solution #9: Transportation and Land Use

Strengthen city centered, transit oriented development. Continue to emphasize urban revitalization and infill, mixed use, and transit oriented development along major transportation and transit corridors.”

“Consistent with CAP:

The Project is an infill project that would be pedestrian oriented by encouraging hotel guests to walk or bike in and around the Sonoma Plaza. The Project is also proximate to Sonoma County Transit bus routes on Highway 12 and West Second Street.”


The EIR claims the Project is consistent with the county Climate Action Plan (CAP), specifically by being a “transit oriented development”. But this is not the case. Mass transit in Sonoma is currently inadequate to meet the needs of hotel guests, employees, and the public. Sonoma does not have the numbers to justify more frequent service. The bus schedule is plain not frequent enough, or of long enough duration, to be adequate. It is not logical to call the Project a “mass transit oriented development.” The current Sonoma workforce commutes almost entirely by single vehicle, single occupancy commutes of 30 minutes or more. This creates high GHG emissions, which is not consistent with CAP transportation guidelines.

The Project is not mixed-use because the developer and staff want to waive the residential component. And, simply encouraging hotel guests to walk and ride a bike does not mean that they will. The current trend is for more tourist individual transportation, to drive to rural locations for wine, food and events. Tourist transportation patterns are cited below under the heading 2015 Annual Tourism Report.

This citation of supposed consistency is an example of deficient reasoning in the EIR, citing a weak example that simply does not prove the point. If this is the case here, what other EIR citations suffer from similar factual inflation?

One would have to conclude then, that the Project is not consistent with CAP Solution #9.


Inconsistency with Recent City Council Adoption of 22 Local Climate Protection Measures

The recently city-adopted Measure 4-L1, Mixed-Use Development in City Centers and Along Transit Corridors, p. 3-43 of county Climate Action 2020 textbook, is consistent with the CA2020 goal of reducing travel demand through focused growth. The annual GHG reduction potential is high, 3,494 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. This is now a specific city goal and planning parameter.

Just as it is seen as OK in this EIR/ planning process, to wait for a yet-to-be-implemented inclusionary housing impact fee policy to come into place, it should also be OK to start looking for Project planning to be consistent with Measure 4-L1.

The CA2020 text for Measure 4-L1 states: “The jurisdictions would focus new residential and commercial development in their city centers and along existing and planned transit corridors. Mixed-use development (such as residential use above commercial uses) in such locations would improve the diversity of nearby land uses and facilitate easier access to retail and commercial destinations. Improving the jobs/ housing balance would also facilitate access to work destinations. Development adjacent to transit centers and along active transit corridors (commonly called transit-oriented development or TOD) would increase the amount of trips that could be completed via transit instead of personal vehicles.”

Many community co-benefits are listed by the RCPA, and these dovetail with many stated Project Objectives as well. As I noted before, 99% of stated Project Objectives are consistent with many types of project. The weighing of costs and benefits here, as far as what type of Project the Planning Commission may choose, gets down to whether TOT tax and hospitality tourism is seen as a greater community benefit than resident-friendly mixed-use development?

Measure 4-L1 goes on to say under Implementation: “The jurisdictions will develop appropriate tools for cities and urbanized unincorporated areas to encourage mixed-use, infill, TOD, and economic development intended to serve local residents…  The communities would promote and apply existing policies and incentives to further encourage mixed-use, infill, and TOD.”

So, here we have the potential to turn the tide of downtown Sonoma to a more resident-friendly infill area and foster the use of more mass transit. More residents will mean more demand for the nearby mass transit hub on the Plaza, and more demand for central businesses that serve residents, vs. businesses that exclusively serve tourist hospitality. The hotel Project obviously serves tourist hospitality interests (and investor returns interests) above residents, and the Project’s primary community benefit, in terms of the number one stated Objective, a 62-room hotel with an 80-seat restaurant, is defined in terms of TOT tax money to the city, rather than through downtown livability and mixed-use.

The hotel Project as proposed would meet none of the Measure 4-L1 objectives. A prime opportunity for mixed-use development would be lost by waiving the residential component, and by having another restaurant when more diverse, resident-serving downtown, infill retail is called for by 4-L1. That the city council has just adopted Measure 4-L1 along with 21 other local climate protection measures, is a powerful rationale to modify the Project to meet these transportation and central planning specifications.

These mixed-use, centralized planning specs are squarely in place to address climate change and transportation GHG impacts.

Mixed-use means housing and commercial together. Measure 4-L1 means building housing near a transit hub, i.e. the Plaza. By adopting measure 4-L1, Sonoma has committed to having 50% of its growth to result in this type of mixed-use development. By not waiving the residential component, and taking the No Restaurant alternative, the city will be consistent with Measure 4-L1. By approving the Project as proposed, the city will be missing a prime, central-city mixed-use development opportunity that is not likely to come again soon.

Finally, the General Plan states that, the purpose of the Commercial designation is to “… provide areas for retail, hotel, service, medical, and office development, in association with apartments and mixed-use developments and necessary public improvements.” Given that there is not that much space downtown, a project that combines hotel use with residential is one that meets multiple city planning objectives at one time. Multiple objective projects are better than single objective ones because more public policy goals can be met at once.


The Sonoma County, 2015 Annual Tourism Report, Inconsistent with CAP

The 2015 Annual Tourism Report, from the Sonoma County Economic Development Board was produced by Moody’s Analytics. “Moody’s Analytics is a leader in economic research and provides key quantitative and qualitative analysis on Sonoma County’s tourism industry. Key findings from Moody’s Analytics Tourism Analysis include:

“Sonoma County’s tourism industry is maintaining a strong expansion. (emphasis mine) This marks the continuation of four years of growth in which tourism has outpaced the rest of the economy.

“The long-term outlook for Sonoma County tourism remains strong. The region continues to grow in recognition as a premier tourist destination, and its proximity to Bay Area attractions and airports is driving its expansion.” (emphasis mine, proximity to airports eh?) According to Moody’s, 60% of tourism jobs are service jobs which pay well below county area median income (AMI) in yearly earnings. What this means is that tourists will increasingly travel by air and car to Sonoma, and potential Project employees will be commuting to Sonoma for somewhere else, all generating transportation GHG emissions. This conclusion runs counter to the EIR thesis of a “nominal’ Project transportation GHG impact.

The Moody’s Tourism Report is all about how much money is to be made by who, and nothing at all is said about tourism transportation GHG impacts, nor about reaching any carrying capacity level to reduce tourism-generated GHG transportation emissions. The whole premise of tourism is that wealthy people travel somewhere, to be entertained in some form. Tourism has a high GHG footprint, and the more of it you have, the higher your GHG footprint.

The EIR is supposed to address the Project transportation GHG emissions impacts, but as you can see from the above examples, employees and tourists will continue to expand their driving and other transit-based GHG emissions, and in aggregate, this could not be less consistent with the CAP, and the call to reduce transportation-based GHG emissions overall, which is the largest state and regional sector of GHG emissions by far.



To conclude, an alternative analysis and/or peer review of the Project’s transportation GHG emissions by the UCS or similar would give the public confidence that the EIR was not simply a BAU, growth-justifying document, and that actual sustainability and carrying capacity transportation climate change objectives were being met.

Should an alternative analysis and/or peer review be called for by the Planning Commission, it will be very important that the agency or firm not be chosen by city staff or Kenwood Investments. The whole point is to not get another firm whose job it is to incrementally justify BAU growth, but to engage an agency that will look at this EIR from an actual alternate frame, one that represents legitimate, science-based public comment regarding climate change and Project transportation GHG emissions.

The Union of Concerned Scientists is such an alternative frame.

Basically, what we have here with this Project and its EIR, is a BAU, growth-is-necessary/ private property rights trumps environmental policy paradigm, with experts to justify it, up against a public who is advocating a change to BAU towards a carrying capacity, sustainability future that calls for less consumption, and its associated tourism transportation GHG impacts, not more. What the developer and city are framing as benefits, a public concerned with sustainability (triple bottom line, full cost accounting) sees as costs.

What the public needs in this process is an alternative analysis that does an actual, scientific cost/ benefit analysis of Project transportation GHG emissions impacts. If the UCS said the Project transportation GHG impacts were acceptable, there would be nothing left for me to say.


(1) Consumption-Based Greenhouse Gas Inventories


“This study develops a consumption-based greenhouse gas inventory of all San Francisco Bay Area census block groups, cities and counties. It is the first study to explore household carbon footprints at such fine geospatial resolution for any region. The methodology incorporates local consumption and emissions data wherever possible. In other cases, consumption is approximated using econometric analysis of national and statewide transportation and household consumption survey responses by S.F. Bay Area residents. The consumption-based method results in about 35% higher GHG emissions than the traditional territorial approach for the region, largely due to higher emissions from imported food and goods. Transportation is the largest source of emissions (33%), followed by food (19%), goods (18%), services (18%) heating fuels (5%), home construction (3%), electricity (2%) and 1% waste. Within the region there are large differences in the size of average household carbon footprints (HCF) between cities (>2.5x) and larger differences between neighborhoods within populous cities (~5x). These differences suggest large inequalities in climate responsibility within a single metropolitan area. The composition of household carbon footprints also varies considerably between different locations, with vehicle ownership, income, household size and home size contributing the most to differences. The study concludes with recommendations to prioritize policies and programs for different locations.


Learn about the Air District’s Consumption-Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.

The Air District collaborated with the Cool Climate Network at UC Berkeley to develop a consumption-based inventory of greenhouse gas emissions for the San Francisco Bay Area, based on the six greenhouse gases identified in the Kyoto Protocol: CO2, methane, N2O, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. The consumption-based inventory estimates the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in the production of goods and services from all over the world that are consumed by Bay Area residents.

The consumption-based inventory is intended to supplement and complement the Air District’s production-based inventory of greenhouse gases that are emitted within the geographic boundaries of the Air District.

The consumption-based inventory is based on a full life-cycle analysis of the emissions generated by the production, shipping, use, and disposal of each product consumed in the Bay Area, regardless of where the GHG emissions were released to the atmosphere. The inventory estimates emissions for several hundred categories of products within the five basic areas of transportation, housing, food, goods, and services.

Because our modern economy is highly integrated and global in scale, a significant portion of the goods and services consumed by Bay Area residents are produced in other states or nations. A consumption-based inventory is especially relevant for the purpose of analyzing the GHG footprint of people in affluent regions, such as the San Francisco Bay Area, where the high level of income enjoyed by many households leads to increased consumption of goods and services, as well as more spending on leisure activities such as vacation travel.

In combination, the Air District’s traditional GHG inventory and the consumption-based inventory provide a more complete analysis of how the region contributes to global climate change.

The consumption-based emissions inventory will be used to:

  • help inform development of the Air District’s Regional Climate Protection Strategy
  • identify potential GHG emission reduction policies or measures
  • assist climate planning efforts by cities and counties in the Bay Area
  • help educate Bay Area residents about the size and composition of their GHG footprint and how they can take action to reduce their GHG emissions
