Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Trump must go

August 20, 2017 by Fred Allebach

It is becoming crystal clear that the Trump executive orders on immigration are part and parcel of a racist, white nationalist/ white supremacist agenda. This is what Sonoma Valley Latinos are dealing with. This racism and prejudice is what the national Latino community, among others, is up against. Trump said it, Latino immigrants are rapists and criminals. For Trump there’s no “good people on both sides” here. This hate is beyond mere nativism and prejudice. Now it is out in the open for all to see. It’s white supremacism. Nazism. Trump’s father taught him. The track record is there. The stakes are clear. Trump is playing out the percentage of the population who are racists, against everyone else.

All the pieces fit: the Jim Crow erection of monuments to slavery, the warped twists on history, the prejudiced rationales, the Trump family exclusion of minorities from their housing developments, the Obama birther lie, the blocking of Obama’s supreme court pick and the installation of Gorsuch, the disparaging of higher education, attacks on the media, the meme of fake news and alternative facts, the voter suppression efforts, the ubiquitous lying, moral equivocation with Nazis and KKK members, the double standard on opioid addiction that leaves out people of color, the Muslim ban, the re-awakening of Nixon’s law and order campaign, threatening nuclear war, the Charlotte and campaign display of anti-Semitism, and on and on. Frankly, this is beyond unacceptable.

Conservatives need to denounce Trump now in no uncertain terms or be seen as complicit. Silence is complicity.

Nationalism and isolationism are dangerous. Nationalism led to WW1 and WW2, it’s a turning inward, even from our own people. Of course, the implication of the Trump white supremacist, white nationalist program, is that people of color, immigrants, and non-Christians are not our own people. This is really, really messed up. Blacks, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Catholics, Irish, Italians, Polish, Jews, they’ve all tasted the white supremacist hate. Nativism and racism are dark chapters in US history, not something to look past and forget when life is good in the suburbs.

And let’s not forget the Trumpist denial of science, the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, and the insane sacking of the EPA. What smart people think Americans don’t want clean air, water and food; don’t want birth defects from all manner of pollution and Monsanto pesticides?

In sum total, what we are up against is a hybrid of a Trump NYC real estate hoax and media frenzy mixed with Nazi, Confederate, Nationalistic and right wing anti-government principles. This is being played out on the whole country. How can wave upon wave of this idiocy continue to be tolerated? “Grab them by the pussy” should have been the end of him. How can Trump allies, with any conscience continue to stand in silence? Trump allies are now revealed as pandering moral sellouts, just there to get the money. This is pathetic, to value money over all else.

Folks, we are up against an evil, racially prejudiced, immoral force here. This needs to be called out, and fought against with everything we have. Trying to cover this up and conflate it all with “free speech” is not going to cut the cake; that cover is blown. Heavily armed racists, egged on by the likes of the hateful Rush Limbaugh, are agitating for civil war. This is serious. Time to wake up, get out of the comfortable wine/ cannabis trance, and show up, and push back against all of this.

In the Breitbart bubble, Trump is good and all others are “Libertards”, filth, morons, and should be killed or deported. The hate and ignorance in the Breitbart comment section is astounding, if anyone would care to look at that unseemly Trump underbelly. This is what was actually in the White House with Bannon.

Trump has inflamed and divided the country even more sharply than it was before. The clear impact here in Sonoma Valley and the whole Bay Area, is that these immigration orders have our Latino brothers and sisters living in fear of jack-booted ICE thugs. That is not “law and order”; that is the manifestation of a Nazi-like racist terror/ extermination program. Can this kind of intimidation be tolerated now that we know exactly what it is based on? No. No. No. Trump must go. Pence and Congress must then repeal the racist executive immigration orders.

The Women’s March, the solidarity marches after Charlotte, the climate march, these were good, but a long-term, concerted effort is needed. It’s time to get rid of Trump, and position to take out the Republican majorities in 2018. Current Republicans are not worthy to govern when they don’t have the balls to stand up against a racist maniac like Trump. They’ve sold their soul for money and power. They can’t serve God and Mammon both.

This is real chess. Trump pawns and rooks have now been knocked off; the defenses are getting weaker by the day; time to corner and take the King. Republicans are finally speaking out. This unfit president needs to go before he destroys the country and the world.

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